Wednesday, May 20, 2009


God is a metaphor.

What is not true is that god is a large, elderly, English-speaking man with long white hair and a long white beard sitting in the clouds pulling invisible strings like some omniscient, omnipotent puppeteer.

God is one of those concepts that is, by nature, unprovable and undeniable.

And you can not just come up with some question to which we don't know the answer and say that since we don't know, then god must exist. The lack of an answer to a question does not prove anything other than the fact that we don't know the answer. Even if it is impossible to answer a question, that does not prove anything other than the impossibility of answering that question.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

iPhone bugs

Well, it's been a while.

Obama is in office and doing great!

My time is spent on other things, though.

Safari on iPhone still has copious bugs.

Inserting elements from prototype does not work properly. The first thing you insert stays at the top, even if you try to insert other things at the top.

Button formatting does not obey the margin properties, and the width does not include the left margin.

Plus, why does it insist on refreshing pages?

Sorry, just had to vent.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Here we go again

The Dems just don't know how to win. Now Carville is pushing yet another bad Democratic Party Slogan/Bumper Sticker:

My message to him is: It's the Candidates, Stupid. Support the candidates, and try to have a positive slogan. If we stick with the heir to "Anybody but Bush", we will get stuck with the heir to Bush.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bad Politics is killing Dems

In 2004, the dems lost because their best line was "Anybody but Bush". Let's not do that again. It does matter who we elect. We will not win enough votes on negative alone. We have to lead with a positive line.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Questions about MacOS X Leapard

What happens when you try to use the new iChat features with someone who has the old version?

Can you have more than 4 spaces?

Does Time Machine back up the files in Windows under Boot Camp/Virtualization?

If you set up your time machine to work with your home networked drive, what happens when you are away from home?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Why the trend toward big blurry icons?

Recently I have upgraded various apps on my PC. And it seems like all the new versions use bigger, blurrier icons. The most recent was the huge new version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Perhaps I should switch to a 3rd party reader.

Why not "No to all"

When I am copying stuff in Windows, and there are files with the same name already in that deirectory, Windows gives me the options "Yes", "Yes to all", and "No", but not "No to All". Seems like that is the option that would make the most sense in most circumstances and it is the only one missing!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

What about the death penalty, Rudi?

Rudi Giuliani is taking on social conservatives on abortion, gay rights, and gun control. What about the Death Penalty? How can someone be Pro Life and Pro Death at the same time?