Saturday, May 12, 2007

What about the death penalty, Rudi?

Rudi Giuliani is taking on social conservatives on abortion, gay rights, and gun control. What about the Death Penalty? How can someone be Pro Life and Pro Death at the same time?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

No smoking in public places

There are many things that are illegal to do in public. You can not go around screaming in people's faces. You can not urinate or defecate in public. You are not allowed to carry around a flaming torch or set fire to things.

Smokers drop their butts all over the place. They could smoke in their own back yards or houses.

Smoking a foul and dangerous habit. It should be done in private.

No more gas powered yard machines

There are electric mowers and blowers, weed whackers and edgers. We don't need to use gas powered ones.

Better yet, there are human powered ones!

The oil company should pay

On Saturday, a gasoline tanker truck crashed on a SF Bay highway, exploded, caused an inferno, and destroyed part of a major highway interchange.

The Oil company should pay for the repairs. They make enormous profits off of the sale of gasoline. They truck the stuff around everywhere at all hours of the day and night. This is their risk. This is their mess.

Our lives will be disrupted for months. We should not have to pay for the repairs. We should even file a class action lawsuit to get reparations from the oil company.